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Wednesday, 11 September 2013


/>why lightening creams should be avoided
it is no doubt that of recent,many people are associated with bleaching and it is quite disheartening that even mail are in the act,it is not a hidden fact that unsatisfaction on the you natural creation lead to bleaching,thats why I wrote this article to bring it clear to bleachers that bleaching your skin is wrong

how i bleach my body and the consequenses I faced

some list of tube creams and their result

ladies and gentlemen,pls and pls dont ever use anyone of these cream
bleaching creams result
FUNBACT A the most dangerous among the bleaching creams for it damages your skin
it also cause or add pimples on your face
it causes skin cancer
it causes the skin to loose it clotting function that in ability to heal when injured
it makes you to look multi colored i.e one black the other side red and so on
BIOL CLAIRE it damage your skin too
causes the skin to look ugly
bio claire also cause the inability of the skin to clot
NOTE:pls you guys should stop bleaching for it damages your skin onknowingly thinking you are looking ok,your natural skin is the best anything artificial ignore it

pls if u are interested with this tutorial or my english is bad u can leave me a comment

have a nice day.