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Tuesday, 19 February 2013

how to use yahoo messenger and wikipedia on 2go

o is a well known app use by almost all
nigerian student. I don't have to say
more about 2go again..

2go have some features which allow us
to chat on Social networking site but it
only accept Facebook, Mxit and GTalk
but with this tricks am going to drop will
enable you to chat with your freind on
Yahoo Messenger, Msn and others.


1.>> Download Mxit Its a chatting App
just like 2go.

2.>> Install and open Mxit on your mobile
phone, then click on sign up to register
on Mxit if ask for pin use ur mobile no..
E.g 2348012345678 as pin [serve as
password] It only accept mobile no.

3.>>After signing up switch to contact
then click Option >>connect other
account [Facebook, Yahoo,Msn Gtalk..

4.>> Now click on Yahoo To connect your
Yahoo!! Account with Mxit by entering
your Yahoo login Detail in the box Mxit

Mxit will now notify you that you have
successfully connect your Yahoo
account with mxit.

Then you will see all your Yahoo friend
on Mxit, Now Exit Mxit then login to
your 2go account. Click >> Add friend >>
Mxit friend.>> Then type your Mxit id
and pin and click Submit.

You will be connected to your Mxit
contact with 2go. Now click friends on
2go you will see all The Mxit contact on
2go then locate where you see Yahoo
and start chatting with your Yahoo
friend on 2go.

And under service u will see wikipedia
click it and search for anyting you
want .
Thread/Topic accomplished. Goodluck. Enjoy!!!!

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